Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You can find me in da club, bussles full of bub got mine get what you need, into feelin chub.

Did you know what 50 dollars of McDonalds looks like? WELL NOW YOU KNOW. They actually, put the fries and other food masses into different bags. They're kind of racist here.

So my suite mates and I just got into a stern conversation about the polar ice cap we like to call our room. One of my suite mates likes to turn the air conditioning to 55 degrees at night. So this morning, like many other mornings, I actually woke up out of a dead sleep I was so cold. I walked out and looked at the thermostat and it read 59 degrees. OUR ROOM WAS 59 DEGREES. What is wrong with you? Are you trying to give me hypothermia while I sleep? Just because you sleep in snow pants doesn't mean I should have to. Its unhealthy to woken up by excessive temperature. He tried to murder me. Murder I say, first degree!

Oh, to continue, I said "I really enjoyed waking up out of a dead sleep only to find myself frosted to my bed". I walked away in proud mode, only to see the little green light on the thermostat that indicated the air conditioning was on. I looked, it was set to 55. So I trounced back into the room and screamed "HA NICE TRY", and then proceeded to swifter away in my swiffer hideaway.

Another funny thing that happened, is my hands were covered in FB (face brownie) and I smeared it all over their door. What about that isn't hilarious.

Don't stop get it get it , steady watch me navigate ha, ha, ha, ha-ha!

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