Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Push you through a chain link fence.....cheese grater.

Since I couldn't find a picture of me killing someone Kill Bill style, this will have to do.

There is no reason that a jellyfish, like me, has to put up with this horsefly bull shit. Those horseflies are lucky that the dungeon dragon was hibernating today because I almost unleashed my cell dwelling wrath on them.

Horsefly:  Someone who thinks they're a part of every gang; constant flowage of shit out of their mouth. They flock to others bull shit to aid them in making it worse, a.k.a. eating it.

I dealt with many familiar horseflies today, they brought some shit with them today. They don't dare bring their shit into my dragon lair though, they just fly by and drop some shit down by the entrance while they're on their way to the horsefly hive.

Horsefly hive: Meeting place of horseflies.

I've decided that I will fight fire with fire until I can lower the horsefly population in my life.

I have a lot of fire.

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