Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My McLife, a true jersey shore-istic show starring, me, the star of the show.

So today I was crucified via texting, which is on the very tippy top of my list of favorite things to have happen on a Wednesday.

Wednesdays, as they say, is called "hump" day, not "scream at someone because you have no idea what you're talking about"

"If she has 788 friends, why does she take pictures of herself?"

I really enjoy getting novel length texts, yelling at me in unrecognizable bitch language. Yes, bitch language. Little do you "bitch talkers", know is that I do not understand anything that you are saying. My favorite response to these novels is "K", that doesn't often go over too well. As you could imagine.

So then I got MacDon's and it made it all better, because I know that sodium also serves as a...

-Muscle relaxer
-A nicotine equivalent
-Morphine effect
-Mental healing

I like to McMeditate, it really helps clear my problems. Without McMeditation I probably would pull a "Carrie" moment and kill everyone in a fiery inferno.

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