Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Green Green Green Machine.....Shashine.

Keepin it green, going green is what I'm doing, thats where I am , thats who I am, what about slam, and thats Sam I am.

Today after grammatically correct and spelling error free exam, I went back to my dorm to start slaving away on 2/15ths of an assignment. It didn't take me 46 hours, that it did not do so don't say it did because i was there and I have Aunt Sil as a witness so she can testify in a court of slaves.

Cheezits, thats what I eat. Oh speaking of Beats, I told Aunt Sil to download David Guettas latest album called "Nothing But Beats". To Aunt Sil's disappointment there were no actually beets involved in the making of this album. She wanted a song about beets, god.

In addition to this day, Aunt Sil and I had several dance parties that resulted in embarrassing christmas party photos. They should be kept in King Tuts tomb, they are that sacred. 

So I keep adding cans to the bathroom, obviously. But today Hippy came in my room and asked if he could throw all of them away. I was offended. I was disturbed. His face was about to be curbed. Blurb. How could he even think about thinking about throwing those cans away. I told him to leave them there, or beware of the dungeon dragon.

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