Monday, October 17, 2011

Late night nearsighted thought processes of horrible visual clarity therefore they may or may not be valid in a court of law

Hey insomnia, its me, Jason.

So its almost 4 am. Not to say that it is 4 am to everyone because that would be untrue, I'm just saying that my clock says its almost 4 am , so tarts what I have to go by under the Lemon Law.

I've been up thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life. Buzz-kill, I know. As annoying as it is, this topic actually matters.

I've been putting thought into actually pursuing psychology. Yes i know, everyone and their grandma has a psychology degree. But I really like listening to people and their bull shit- I mean emotional problems.

Anyway, so I do this thing where I put my empty soda cans in the bathroom. I don't know why i think this is so funny, but I keep doing it. My suite mates think that when they stack them in a pile by the door that they have defeated me. Think again.

So I can't decide whether I want to try one of those "Naked" drinks because part of me thinks they look completely disgusting and part me really wants to try one. I heard "Green Machine" is really good, but I will test this tomorrow. I will post a repulsive reaction-face picture, even if I like it.

Oh, Jersey Shore has had a marathon all day, even though today isn't the real today because its 4 am, so yesterday. I don't know why I like it so much, I just think everything that happens is hilarious. We actually talked about this in one of my discussions for JAMS class. We had to name a guilty pleasure related to the media. It was an ice breaker, we all know how much I love icebreakers. As we went around the room some MALES said they watch iCarly all the time. Not much response besides some laughter. BUT the moment I said that I watch Jersey Shore every Thursday when the new one airs, you would have thought I told them Santa wasn't real for the time. I was CRUCIFIED by the entire class for watching that "crap". Excuse me sir, weren't you the one who watches iCarly? I think there is so much more wrong on so many levels with that.

But hey, crucifixion is definitely what I had looked forward to that day. I don't know how I got on the topic of that story, as it happened 2 weeks ago. Maybe it was 3 weeks ago. Maybe it was 18 days and 36 minutes ago. But you know, who's counting.

Is it better to sleep for 3 hours or none, I'm not sure. It never works out well either way. Damn my caffeine immunity/addiction.

So earlier tonight my RA was knocking on everyones door asking if anyone knew who stabbed enormous holes in the love sack in the lounge. There was allegedly love sack-fillings all over the lounge that had to be cleaned up, I never saw said fillings and I live right next to the lounge, but whatever. So he knocks on the door and give us his spiel. Then he says, "and if you or anyone else knows who did this , and you don't turn them in or turn yourself in, the whole floor will have to pay for it, got that Jason?" My response was "Ha, right" and I walked back into the dorm. Get fucking real Leonard, why the hell would I kamikaze-attack the love sack with a machete for no reason. If I had thought of it earlier, I probably would have put it in the elevator. Because thats funny. Not retarded like ripping up a love sack, who cares and who does that.

The McDonalds lobby opens in 18 minutes, just if anyone was wondering, no actually I know you were.

Oh quote I just heard on TV:

"I can lose weight for free but its gonna take about 10 grand to fix your fucking FACE"


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