Sunday, October 30, 2011


Just a few pictures to get your mind in the CORRECT state that it should be in to read such literature.

My weekend was fun-filled. It was like a doughnut day. The jelly in the middle was the fun, the doughnut was the day. So it was fun-dough-jelly-nut.

So after a exhilarating Rocky Horror Picture Show, that didn't involve awkward dancing that I knew ALL the moves to. Lets do the awkward-crouch againnnn!!!! Over all it was a good time, and the "crew" took home a majority of costume prizes. I was proud. Don't let me forget the classy glass of wine we had at Amy's apartment as a pre-game. Rocky pre-game. Did you want to wake up with rice in your bed?

After the extravaganza, I did a little dranky-drank at the Riverview. Where Emmanuel decided to voice all opinions about everyone, as if his mind was a faucet. I was not annoyed, and i did not strike him.

Last night, if you want to call it night, was the winner.

After pre gaming at Hannah-squared's room, where I did not consume two HUGE water bottles full of bacardi and coke in while after I had to fill up another one before we left, we went to a "pre game party".

This party consisted of me dominating in flip cup, and making all of the 20 year olds feel retarded. A mutual friend who goes by the name of "Fez", was getting a little sloshy, more on this later.

An unidentified individual kept social whoring around, and I was getting annoyed.

Oh, and this gross girl was all over me but I decided I didn't want an STD that day so we bailed.

We got back to sandburg to party more, and we are checking in we here Fez come Ka-STORMING up behind us with his elephant feet. He informs us that he did not take the shuttle from the shuttle-stop to sandburg, but he instead ran. The running plus alcohol made him throw up several times. I was ENTERTAINED.

So Fez and I be-bopped around in the quick-mart type thing and headed up to Snooki's room. Now, side note, Fez fell asleep in Snooki's roommates bed. Before passing out in a drunken-blackout, he kept saying he was going to take a picture of himself in her bed and send it to her. He definitely knows her and has her number. Throughout the night Fez was sleeping on his phone that was ringing off the hook, we ignored it at all times. We found out the next day that it was his suite mates that were locked out of their room, cool.

So i obviously dug through his stuff and found a wig in his bag, that I wore for a short period of time.

I was NOT BARRELING THROUGH, gallons of Captain, I wasn't. Let me say, I was the self proclaimed heavy weight champion and called myself that because I was the most functional.

Afteer some fun, two other unidentified individuals went off to "find shoes" to war, AKA have sex. Almost as if to annoy me because they wanted me to know they were doing that so bad. While they were gone there was some fighting involving Snooki and Stephanie and I, all over the drama over the last month or so with that group. Fighting is always good at 6 am. So i went and sat on the stoop of sandburg waiting for a shuttle that was not coming. I mapped out how to walk to river view which is 1.6 miles. As I started to walk , the sex partners came out asking where i was going. I was not annoyed and didn't want to walk to Florence. I didn't want to quit college and go home I didn't I didn't.

So the solution was Mcdonalds, I ate that, at 7 am. I was still rarin' to go.

So i went back to my dorm after a conversation with individual on how he thought "it was". I laughed and thought it was funny. I told him that the quality of it was his punishment.


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