Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Don't ever fucking wear that again"

So for some examples of how I like to know....emotionally crush people, here we are.

"So should i go up there"

"For one, don't ever fucking wear that again if you're going to black girls room, this is not the Masters"

"Hahaha what you do mean Masters"

"The fucking golf...thing"

"(laughs) ha fine dude"

"Also, don't text her 87 times a minute, because you will become a sex offender"

"I don't text her that much!"

"Ya what about that 3 hour voice mail you left her on friday"

"I was drunk"

"Ya so was I and I didn't leave no 3 hour voice mail on Ashlie Zeutizus's phone did i? Sir this is getting out of hand"

--------Few minutes go by---------

"Are you texting her"


".......So are you trying to get on the sex offender list?"

"Duuuuude I'm trying so hard why won't she answer"

"Im going to go talk to her"

*Me= walk walk walk walk walk*

"Hey DeRea, so Koty..."

This is the part where she tells me how many times she talks to him, and how she isn't in to him and just wants to be friends blah blah blah blah blah.

I go back down to the lounge.

"Its a no go, nope, not gonna happen"

"*sigh* i knew it"

"then why the fuck did i go up there, i am TIRED I AM EXHAUSTED FROM THE BUILDING I JUST SCALED"

I am just such a good helper.

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