Monday, November 28, 2011

Did you want one bull shit noise violation or 14, cause I got 'em right here for ya.

Long story short, the evil dwarves RA came storming into a friends room a few weeks ago, accusing us of a noise violation. OBVIOUSLY we were being excessively loud, we weren't just sitting talking about legitimate topics. She says "Security" and uses her key to open the door, not against the rules, its not, you can totally do that.  Her story of how she heard us changed 21 times, and to this day still tells a different story of how she "KNEW" something suspicious was going on in the room.

Needless to say I completely ignored the mail of the "Voilation", as the UWM Housing is a bunch of blood thirsty vampires. I am 18 years old, and if the police don't need to be called, leave me the "fuck" alone. That would be much appreciated, as all you do is swipe cards and give people their packages, you don't actually have any authority. So go away.

If this kind of power hungry bull shit happens again, or they try to put me on the "high risk" behavior list ....thing, I will show them "high risk", it'll be risky.

Had a great thanksgiving, bought tons of hunky-dory 1.96 movies at Walmart. In addition, I was able to generate gift ideas for the parentals.

Im not going to play Christmas music until I go home, Im not, I didn't download an excessive amount of Christmas music for my musical enjoyment.

Happy Hole-idays!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

So I think with number H is talking about...

"So i think with number H is talking about..."

Does that make sense to you? It makes no sense to me.

For one, what is this grammar, two, number H, I KNOW.

Now this is my research writing 102 class, where you would think everyone in there has some advanced grammar skill. No no no NO you are WRONG stop thinking that because you don't even have to be smart to be in 102 you just have to show up. I think there are some brighter 101 students.

I know that we are trying to peer edit your research paper, but I am sorry that you're grammar is that bad. Its not my fault you are from Kuwait and I can't change that. On that note, don't become aggressive when nobody knows what the hell your paper is talking about. I think that before becoming angry you should realize that since nobody can understand you when you are talking "english" nobody will understand you when you are writing "english".



I feel awkward peer editing as it is, because everyone becomes angry when flaws are "called to the carpet" as my teacher likes to say.

You know what, I'm just going to have to call you to the carpet on number M, because with that letter 3 in paragraph D is just out of with control.

Monday, November 14, 2011

It was stupid day in Milwaukee today, i must have not seen it on the calendar.

Its now 12:18 pm, this day has really only just begun and I already fear that I will be infected with stupidity by the end of the day.

First, something completely unrelated.

Long story short, there was a smack down last night between my suite mate and I because of his perverted ways. Literally, perverted. Stop being an internet predator and sending pictures to people, you creepy individual.

This morning i was standing in front of the mirror brushing my teeth and such, and I bent over to spit in the sink, and I didn't look in the mirror when i stood up, I just turned around instead. Right when I turned around Mr. Perv was standing right there with this wicked-sick-serial-killer smile and said "You look like you a saw a ghost", and walked away.

Thank you, horror film type start to my day. Thanks. That was just the way I imagined this morning when I went to bed last night.

My day quickly shifted from horrific to stupid.

First, I get to the elevator to go down the lobby. There is a guy standing in front of the elevator looking very impatient. I didn't really pay attention to it, I sent a few texts. I looked up a minute later and realized the button to go "down" was not pressed. I was slightly irritated. As I leaned forward to push the button he says "I already pushed it". Obviously you didn't seeing as the BUTTON ISN'T LIT UP YOU STUPID PERSON.

We are just getting started. I get to the convenience store in the lobby of our dorm to get my usual starbucks drink, and I was intercepted by an incompetent cashier. Im standing at the counter, with the drink, waiting to pay for it, and he is walking around stocking shelves, along with other miscellaneous things, while I am yes, just standing there. He then looks up and says "Oh hey did you need something".  No, I am standing here to practice MY BALANCE. What the hell do you think I'm doing? He comes over to ring it up, and rung it up as Pringles. Yes. Yes.

I get on the shuttle, which of COURSE refuses to leave Riverview. This did not phase me, because this is regular irritant. But what happens next is a phenomenon that is so out of hand that it must have been the devil himself that is throwing these stupid people into my path. We get to the first stop of the shuttle, which is the science buildings, someone stands up to get off. Right as they get off the bus, they turn around and take a step back on the bus and says "No I need to go the union". Ok, confusion of schedule? Normal, happens to me sometimes. NO NO. We are pulling up the union and the person says "Can you bring me to the union" to the driver. And at this point, I'm thinking, REALLY NOW.  The driver says " the union?". The individual "It doesn't look like it". This conversation is all going on right in the front of the shuttle, so nobody who actually knows where they are can get off the shuttle. Not already late, Thank you lost individual.  We are 3 months into school, how do you not understand.

Oh getting better.

Im walking to my english seminar, and a person is coming at me walking backwards. I swerve to get out of their blind destructive path, they also swerve (while backwards) and hit me. They turn around and go "UGH" in my face, as if I was the one walking backwards like a bafoon around the crowded union.

I just can't escape.

A few other small happenings in math 90, that I probably wouldn't normally notice, but it was excessive today.

Its now 12:37, and I can't even WAIT to fail this exam at 3.

Thank you Rodney Atkins for describing my day in your music.

Well you know those times
When you feel like there's a sign there on your back
Says I don't mind if ya kick me
Seems like everybody has
Things go from bad to worse
You'd think they can't get worse than that
And then they do

If you're going through hell
Keep on going, don't slow down
If you're scared, don't show it
You might get out
Before the devil even knows you're there

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I should have slept through this day and never participated in it.

This day...this day.

Everything that could have went wrong, did. The series of unfortunate events that today consisted of was a little excessive. After a while, it got a little out of hand.

I woke up to greet the ....afternoon......and I bounced my hand off the metal bar of my bed. Not serious, but should have been viewed as a red flag. Then, red flag two, I got down off of my bed onto my dresser, and I jumped down onto the floor, only to jar my ankle. Cool. This is going well.

I safely sat down at my computer for a few hours just getting some things done. I decided I was hungry. I went down to the cafeteria only to wait 4 years to get my Buffalo ranch chicken sandwich (obviously, what else do you get). I also got popcorn chicken because I felt it was dire. So my first bite into my sandwich the buffalo ranch goes everywhere. Hmmm, even cooler. As much as I love buffalo ranch, I would prefer to eat it than wear it. Just a personal preference. Not saying other people wouldn't enjoy wearing it.

So, a few hours later, I had a partially filled Dr Pepper can sitting on my desk from the fun the night before. As I was being rambunctious and flailing around at my desk, it was ker-smashed across the room. Thus Dr Pepper going everywhere.

OH THE BEST PART, I FORGOT. I decide I'm going to go down to the third floor for a minute. Instead of taking the elevator I took the stairs, just because I figured the elevators would be slow at the time. First step, slipped, and did a gymnastics move, and tumbled down the stairs. Half standing up, half falling, turned into a complete smash. I sat there for a second, making sure my tailbone was still on planet earth, and slowly got up. Needless to say I didn't go to the third floor , i just went back to my room.

Now, the story gets cooler. A few of us decide were going to walk to MacDon's. We arrived moments (probably seconds) after they closed the lobby. That was really the frappe on top of my day. I had had enough of this. I went back to my room and sat on my computer , which is leading into this moment now as I am typing.

Oh, side note. I got semi-rejected today. Im done trying and I'm just going to talk inanimate objects.

I hope everyone is jealous.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I am a buffalo

So let me just say, i've found the only thing i need in life. 

I have finally found out what Aunt Sil has been ranting a raving and caving and shaving about. BUFFALO. Not to be confused with an actual physical in-the-world buffalo. Im talking SAUCE. I am going to put it on everything, even my toothbrush. I will possibly insert it underneath my fingernails so when I chew on them I get the same taste delivery. 

Buffalo ranch chicken sandwich. Yea i said it. Im talking BUFFALO RANCH. This sandwich is only for me and nobody else is allowed to have it, except for me, because I am the only one allowed. Its a rule.

Apart from me bathing in buffalo sauce, there has been no excessive-happenings. Oh wait. There was that little HURRICANE that went through milwaukee, hindering my ability to arrive to my classes 1) on time 2) dry. These things were not happening and would not happen, ever, ever ever. Never have I ever. 

Oh.....and my robot suite mate is in love with Hannah. He has a girlfriend, I will now tell you why I told you of his relationship status. Last night on Skype, he insisted on calling her "sexxi" and asking her for an "innocent shower" after I (AS IN ME JASON HOLLAND), went to bed. Also, he asked if she wanted "shower or common area". WHAT ITS FINE. He didn't sound like a person who would be on "To catch a predator" or "Pedophile Confessional". ALERT ALERT LIVE UPDATE. He just messaged her that he wants to hold her in his arms. Did i mention his girlfriend was in the suite today?


Sunday, November 6, 2011

I left everything behind including my brain

Before i get into my retardism, I would first like to talk about my Wednesday before I left for home.

So on Wednesday, a slew of us decided that we needed to try and make margaritas. Now this may seem like a simple task but let me tell YOU it is the complex of all complexities when it involves me.

So first, we have our alcohol, check. But there needs to be more? What? Margarita mix? Yea we just walked in with it, what did they think we were doing with it? I don't know, they're retarded. So we go down to the cafeteria, and fill up 3 bags with ice from the soda machine. We needed ice, but , you also need it in snow form. Problem 1. We don't have access to a blender. So naturally I say, "lets just use a hammer". So I slam away at the ziploc bag, it breaks MULTIPLE times, It proceeded to sand blast ice all over the room. After a brief hiatus of laughing, i continued to slam away. After using multiple bags, we finally have what seems to be perfect. WRONG.


We tried mixing it up, and all it turned into was watery ice, and margarita mix, and vodka. NOTHING. I guess it was just on the rocks, as the aztecs would say.

Phase 2.

So did you know that when you leave to visit home for the weekend, you don't need anything? I apparently thought this.

Upon arriving home, i realized that I had brought, nothing.

When I mean nothing, I mean nothing. I brought clothes, because that would be the most retarded thing to leave, because when you "pack" you think clothes. But let me explain the things I forgot and why it was a problem.

Thing 1,  I forgot my retainers. Not completely essential, but i never forget them because they are always by glasses case, so...I don't know why I grabbed one and not the other, i must have just thrashed about through my dorm and ran out.

Thing 2. Homework. This is a special thing  I did, EXTRA special. It was saturday afternoon, heading back from iron mountain with my mom, and I ask her, "what day is it today?". She was like "UM...Saturday?".


Every time I go home, you know what not even that, every WEEK. There is a response paper I have to write for my seminar. For what ever reason, I completely forgot about it. Amongst the things I left in Milwaukee, apparently one of them was my brain.

I quit college for the weekend and decided I wasn't enrolled in any classes and didn't need anything.

Thing 3. Hey cash crunch. I forgot my debit card in milwaukee. Now you may be wondering, why wasn't it in your wallet like always? Well I mean the answer is CLEAR as to why it was just sitting on top of my dresser.

Problems with this:

-When did I take it out?
-When did I put it there?
-Why did it put it there?
-Why on the edge of my dresser?
-How could I not have seen it when I was packing?
-How did I not notice its absence when buying lunch at Five Guys for lunch that day?

The answers these questions will be forever shrouded in mystery. This left me in a cash crunch while home, I had to put a random amount of gas into my car to get from place to place. This is all while i'm obviously putting gas in my car to GO TO Mcdonalds to buy food. This is a double edged sword of money spending, and endless vicious cycle of sodium and dollar signs.

Amongst all this I still found the money to buy two 5 dollar movies at Walmart, out of the 5 dollar movie bin. I know, weird that a 5 dollar movie would be in the 5 dollar movie bin. I bought "Carrie" (blu-ray and dvd disc in one case! How could I resist?) and the movie "Trick 'r Treat" I don't know why it is "r" and not "or", but that has nothing to do with anything. I watched "Trick 'r Treat", and I think it was worth the 5 dollars. I mean everyone needs a low budget film to watch from time to time while doing "math zone" home work in your dorm.

No, you HAVE to be doing "math zone" homework and be in a dorm to watch this movie. It says it on the back.

Oh, and by the way, a man, I will call him Mr. Rudestein, has the personality of a rock. Im sorry that you are working at a dorm building's convenience store, that is not my choice. So therefore I don't appreciate it that you rip my meal plan card out of my hand every time I buy something. I am buying something because I want to eat and or drink it. Don't rip my card out of my hand, swipe it violently, while looking annoyed that I'm buying something. You are aware that in convenience stores, people buy things. Im sorry that you can't play World of Warcraft on your laptop for a whopping 5.3 seconds while you swipe a card. I think World of Warcraft will still be there when you get back.